Welcome to the MACPT website
The Managing Advanced Cancer Pain Together (MACPT) group is a multi-professional group of cancer pain management specialists from across Europe who have drawn on their expertise and current best practice guidelines to offer guidance on the management of pain in the advanced cancer setting.
"Thank you for sharing this project with me. I find it brilliant, well done and of common interest with EBMT Nurses Group objectives.
Therefore, we will be delighted to endorse this work as EBMT too."
Aleksandra Babic, President
EBMT Nurses Group
Dear Colleague
Welcome to the MACPT website.
As you'll be aware, many people with advanced cancer will experience some form of pain, and the reality is that much of this pain can go unnoticed and be under-reported. Even when pain is reported, it is frequently inadequately or under-treated, contributing to reduced quality of life for patients.
Many guidelines exist for managing pain in general and in the cancer setting specifically. However, little is published that addresses pain in advanced cancer that is both clinically applicable and takes a truly holistic person-focused approach. That's why we formed the MACPT group and developed the guidance you can download from this site.
This MACPT guidance takes a person-focused approach in its consideration of the assessment, prevention and treatment of advanced cancer pain. Importantly, it looks at all facets of pain including physical, social, emotional and spiritual elements.
We hope you find the guidance and accompanying conversation tool helpful in your everyday clinical practice and welcome any feedback you might have.
Yours sincerely
Dr Barry Quinn
Chair, MACPT